Burwood Family Dental Centre

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Our services:

We offer following dental services to the public:

  1. General Dentistry-Examination, Radiograph, Teeth Clean, Filling, Extraction
  2. Endodontic-Root Canal Therapy
  3. Periodontal Treatment-Deep Clean
  4. Oral Surgery, Surgical Removal of Wisdom Tooth and Broken Tooth
  5. Orthodontic-Teeth Bracing
  6. Denture, Crown, Bridge, Porcelain Veneer
  7. Implant
  8. Cosmetic-
    • Porcelain Veneer
    • Teeth Whitening:
    • $150 take-home kits, 10 sets of pre-filled whitening trays, result been tested by our staff
    • $440 custom-made trays with 4 syringe of whitening gel for at least 40 treatments, take-home use
    • $550 on-chair whitening treatment or bleaching for a quick result taken roughly an hour

Enquires can be made by phone or come in to discuss with our staff.

Consultation session for bracing teeth and implant is needed before treatment start, please make an appointment for at least half hour to discuss your case.


  1. 普通牙科项目-检查,拍牙科X光片,洗牙,补牙,拔牙,牙齿脱敏
  2. 儿童牙齿检查,儿童牙病治疗,儿童牙医指导(欢迎使用Medicare)
  3. 牙套-运动用牙套(拳击,橄榄球等),磨牙习惯的保护牙套,牙齿矫正保持牙套
  4. 严重牙科项目-根管治疗(抽神经)
  5. 牙周病治疗-深度洗牙
  6. 口腔外科-手术拔智齿,手术拔断牙,手术拔牙根,外伤手术
  7. 矫正牙齿-箍牙,透明牙套矫正牙齿(含保持器-牙套或钢丝粘贴)
  8. 假牙-金属托活动假牙,塑料托活动假牙(全口假牙,半口假牙),即时假牙
  9. 牙冠-烤瓷牙冠(牙套),牙桥,烤瓷牙贴面
  10. 植牙-植骨,有多个国家和价位的植牙材料可以选择,全口植牙,二拖三植牙
  11. 美齿项目
    • 烤瓷牙贴面
    • 牙齿美白系列:
    • $150 家用美白牙齿套装,10套牙套,效果经雇员使用验证良好
    • $440 定制牙套+4管药品,可以使用40次左右,家用
    • $550 诊所牙医操作美白,大约一个小时半,效果明显,时间短


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Contact Us

Address: Shop 4, 1 Railway Pde, Burwood NSW 2134

Our location is close to Burwood Train Station, Bus Deport is just outside our clinic. Parking is available at Burwood Plaza free for 2 hours, which is opposite the our clinic across the road.

Contact us on 02 8084 0105 or send and email to contact@burwoodfamilydental.com.au